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With an overall combined 45+ years of clinical / medical experience in addition to extensive teaching and lecturing experience heavily weighted in biomechanics, neurology, orthopedics, manual medicine, acupuncture, advanced gait and running knowledge,  Dr. Ivo Waerlop ( and Dr. Shawn Allen ( & are finally bringing what has long been needed to the information/web age, that being enough knowledge and experience to help clarify the truths and dispel the myths that are abundant on the internet and in seminar halls. We are proud to keep our views and opinions on various products truthful and unbiased for the sake of searching for the facts, uncovering the truth and dispelling myths put upon consumers.

This is one of our favorite things to do, podcast.  Every 2 weeks we gather some important information on breaking developments in neuroscience, research, and clinical practice and we sit down and talk for an hour. This podcast has grown faster than either of us expected. We have listeners in countries all over the world. Last time we checked we were in over 90 countries and in places we did not even think spoke, let alone understood, the english language. It is cool to have listeners in Russia, Tasmania, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Chille, Ireland, UAE, Canada, Mexico, Germany, Argentina, Australia, China and the list goes on. We will never get to many of those countries to lecture but it is exciting to know that the internet has brought our voices that far. All you need to do is "Google" us and you will find all the different places where our podcast has been uploaded.  Search "podcast the gait guys". You can always find us on iTunes and download us to your phone or laptop.  We recently started loading them up to our YOUTUBE Channel and SoundCloud. Our thousands of self-authored articles can always be found on our Facebook, Twitter and   

Enjoy ! 

-Shawn and Ivo

Aug 31, 2016

We take a brief but necessary discussion on food and cooking to get to a logical place on bipedalism, upright gait, glute development and vision. 


Show note:

The Scars of Evolution: Part 0

Aug 25, 2016

Great open clinical discussions today on things we see in the clinic. Hope you will join us on this clinical journey today.
Interested in our stuff ? Want to buy some of our lectures or our National Shoe Fit program? Click here ( and you will come to our blog. In the left tab, you will find tabs...

Aug 19, 2016

A nice 10 minute primer rewind from an old podcast. We will hit this deeper on podcast 113 !  We are in the studio today !

J Neurophysiol. 2014 Jul 15;112(2):374-83. doi: 10.1152/jn.00138.2014. Epub 2014 Apr 30. A neuromechanical strategy for mediolateral foot placement in walking humans.  Rankin BL


Other Gait Guys...

Aug 13, 2016

Great open clinical discussions today on things we see in the clinic. We start with a great case that opens up the dialogue, a case of a total knee replacement and achilles tendonitis.  Hope you will join us on this clinical journey today.
Interested in our store ? Want to buy some of our lectures or our National Shoe...

Aug 5, 2016

Motor Signatures, Motor Learning & Calf Power. Running, gait, human sociomotor interactions and the power of behavioral plasticity.

Show Links:
The way you move gives clues.
Article on AFO's you wanted.